First thing’s first – First impressions

First thing’s first – First impressions

entrance-wayRead on for our five areas to look at when trying to make a good first impression in real estate. When selling your home, the first impression a prospective buyer will get is the entrance.

The entrance

This is where the very first impression of your property is made. Studies in real estate revealed that many buyers will make their decision based upon their impression of this area of the house. That is why it is essential to really nail this first impression!

For small entranceways you’ll want to make it look larger and more open. You can hit this target by removing any clutter and keeping it plain and simple. Often buyers and the agent will begin their conversation in this area, so you want to make it spacious so that everyone is comfortable and not feeling penned in.

On the other hand, if the entrance is large you might want to consider putting in a table to fill out some of that space. Mirrors and artwork can also add to the room and to make it feel more homey. If your entranceway is really big you might want to consider making it into a small sitting area. This can be created easily using two appropriately sized chairs.

The entrance should flow nicely into the adjoining rooms, so avoid clutter at all costs and make sure the furniture is centred. Similarly, you should organise the coat cupboard so that it looks tidy and organised; ensuring it is not overcrowded and there is ample room for hanging.

The lounge

The lounge typically comes next when showing around potential buyers. You want the room to look attractive and appealing, so as to entice guests into the space.

Normally the lounge is more formal, especially if you have another room adjoining for sitting. In that sense you will want this room to come across as more formal – a room for entertaining guests but without having a television.

Couches should not be against walls, rather they should be grouped together to create an intimate space for conversation. You’ll also want plenty of neutral wall colours, with a white ceiling to create the illusion of height. This can also be achieved by using floor lamps, drawing attention and creating depth in the room.

Whatever the best feature of the room, you’ll need a focal point. Take that feature and make put it in the spotlight so that potential buyers can see how much character your home has. Be warned however, you don’t want the room to be too cluttered – make sure it feels open and inviting.

The living room

This room is the money-maker! It is where you can make the best impression on potential buyers. Hopefully you’ll have an idea of what your target market is like, so ensure you stage it so that the room appeals to them.

If this room is congested or cluttered you may want to think about using an ottoman rather than a coffee table, and get that TV mounted on the wall! Remove personal items such as trophies and other items of sentiment, so that the buyer can visualise themselves living there.

Fix up your old furniture

Have couches and beds professionally cleaned. Use modern cushions and throws on the couches to liven them up a little. If your furniture really doesn’t do the room any justice, consider renting a few pieces to make the room feel more attractive.

Final tips

Built-in bookshelves are a winner, but you should make sure they look tidy and well-organised.

Don’t forget those little details like staging the mantel with a few token items, but try not to make them too personal; as previously explained.

Perhaps the most useful tip of all, is to not over-stage your home. Walk on through before inviting buyers in to make sure it feels natural and lived in, yet enticing and attractive.

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