Ensuring A Worry And Stress-Free Moving Day
If you think moving days are going to be an exciting and carefree activity, you might be surprised to find that only a small percentage of homeowners have or had a field day with it.
In fact, studies have shown that more than 80 per cent of homeowners have found it to be very challenging and is not as easy and convenient as they expect it to be.
But hey, this is not to scare or intimidate you in any way it will only serve as a reminder for you to make sure that you set realistic expectations and plan ways to ensure that you have a stress and hassle-free moving day.
Focus your undivided attention on moving day
When you schedule the date for moving house, make sure that you set aside any other activity that you have planned for because you will end up dedicating your time to it.
Even the best-laid plans that could help speed up the process will generally take longer than expected, so set your expectations that your time needs to be tied with moving day and nothing else.
Be fully prepared- with food and drinks
It pays to prepare plenty of snacks, meals, and water to be made available throughout moving day because moving things around from the old house to the new one can be physically exhausting and dehydrating.
Make sure to have plenty of food and water to grab to keep everyone refreshed and energised throughout the day.
Organise and pack everything ahead of time
Do not wait for moving day to segregate and pack your things because you can end up wasting a lot of time and spend more time than expected, worse everything can be a great mess that will leave you with more issues and headaches.
Always remember that moving professionals expect to conduct their services in the least amount of time, lest you end up paying more for extra time spent either waiting or getting things moved because everything has not been properly grouped or packed.
Make sure to plan days or even weeks before your move to organise your things and have them packed and ready to load up when the movers arrive.
You’d not only have a lot of time to spare, but you get to have better peace of mind knowing that everything is in order so you don’t have to scour through a pile of mess just to look for things you need when setting up your new place.
Be ready with equipment
Think of everything you may need for moving such as packing or duct tape, boxes, box cutter, markers, scissors, sticker labels, etc. Have these available and handy as these are going to be used during moving day.
Prepare a “go bag”
Set aside a bag of essential items that could last you for a couple of days in case the moving process takes longer than expected and you might need to find a place to stay the nights in a hotel or a relative or friend’s house until everything gets settled.
There’s bound to be some issues that could delay your transfer such as utilities not working properly, last-minute repairs, etc.
Prepare for contingencies
Be flexible and anticipate possible issues that could occur during moving day. You may need to change plans when needed, so make sure to always plan with options in case one does not fall through seamlessly.
Set the mood
You can make moving day a bit more relaxing and less stressful by playing music to keep everyone from focusing too much on the physical and laborious process of moving. Music can help uplift the mood and spirits of everyone working.
Make sure to also allow everyone to take breaks and have a bottle of soda, water or some snacks to give them some time off and muster enough strength and willpower to continue.
Schedule a clean-up for later
To avoid wasting time or money, make sure to schedule a cleaner a day or two after the move is done. It gives cleaners more time to work on areas that need more attention without distractions or delays.
Prepare extra cash
While there might be hidden costs or other incidental expenses on moving day, it is prudent to set aside some extra cash for such eventualities.
Moving day can be very demanding and challenging, so being prepared takes the edge off it.