Home Pest Control: How To Deal With Rat Infestation
Rats have been an irritating and frustrating scourge to humans for hundreds of years. It has been responsible for spreading the deadly Black Death plague in Europe that killed an estimated 50 million people during the 14th century.
Even today, Australians dread the threat of rats spreading deadly diseases caused by bacteria transmitted through fleas commonly hosted by rats.
Since fleas are the primary carriers of the deadly bacteria, it won’t be surprising for your pets at home to come in contact with infected fleas, thus the need to take the necessary precautions are of paramount importance.
In several countries around the world, there are occasional cases of the plague reported through medical facilities according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The good news is that there are effective ways of preventing the infestation of rats that could be responsible for spreading the disease.
Here are some practical yet effective tips on how to prevent rat infestations.
Rid your home of existing rodent occupants
Start by baiting and trapping existing mice or rat occupants in your home by using good quality snap-type traps and by using tamper-resistant bait stations strategically placed around the home where mice or rats are frequently seen.
Among the indicators to look for are rat droppings, and gnaw marks on passageways, walls, or wooden planks. Make sure to secure and stow these bait stations away from easy reach of children and pets.
Seal all holes
Inspect your house for holes and have it sealed using rodent-proof materials. Rats usually make boreholes through wooden doors, windows, vents, and ceilings.
Remove external access to your house
Rats and mice often make their way into your homes through twigs or branches that hang over your roof or windows. Make sure trees and hedges are properly trimmed to prevent not only rats but other animal predators as well.
Spread mint throughout the house
Rodents detest the smell of mint, so having a few potted mint herbs and placed strategically around the house can help deter these pesky creatures from getting into your house.
Clear outdoor food source
Fruit trees and vegetable plots are food sources that can attract and draw rodents into your property. Make sure to always make sure to remove fruit that drops to the ground. Surround your vegetable plots with mint plants to keep rodents away from your crops.
For trees, wrap the base of the trunk with a sheet metal plate two feet high to prevent rodents from climbing up the tree and also prevents leaves and fruits from getting into crevices that could attract rodents and other predators.
Hire a pest control specialist
If you feel you have missed any of the steps mentioned or simply cannot spare the time to do all those, you may hire the services of a pest controller to help you solve your rodent or pest problems.
It’s going to be a practical investment that could give you long-term benefits and stay free from the threats of the plague getting into your home.
Vaccinate your pets
There’s no question about having your pets vaccinated as a sure-fire way to prevent disease-carrying pests from affecting your beloved pets. Make sure to take your pets to a reputable vet for that extra measure of prevention.