How do You Make an Offer on a Property?
Great question and if you’re struggling with the answer to it, don’t worry – you’re far from alone.
Great question and if you’re struggling with the answer to it, don’t worry – you’re far from alone.
In a move to combat the high fees high-street real estate agents are charging across Australia, more and more people are looking into selling their own homes.
When is the right time to sell your property? It’s a question real estate agents get asked every day and there’s no one right answer.
It’s no secret that getting a mortgage for a property in Australia isn’t an easy feat.
Australia is in the top 20 countries for the highest dog population, so the fact that we love man’s best friend is no secret.
Looking to sell your property? Well done, you’ve chosen a great time, as the markets are just starting to ramp up through Autumn before colder weather sets in.
Whether it’s your family home or an investment, your property is likely to be one of your most valuable assets.
Buying your first property might seem like a tricky endeavour – especially if it’s your first.
You’ve got everything sorted. From listing your property to finding the home of your dreams and signing contracts, it’s all done.
The modern Australian family is presented with this problem on a regular basis when buying property.