Category: Buying Tips

The Rising Trend In Apartment Living

Studies have revealed that by 2030, Australia may see an upsurge of residents preferring apartment dwellings by as much as 80%.  While this behavioural shift may be dictated by several factors such as convenience and ease of living, proximity to workplaces, and quick access to lifestyle and commercial establishments, the possible trade-offs include wide living.

How Folks Help Out Their Kids With Real Estate

Today’s younger generation and professionals are faced with the challenge of rising real estate property costs, particularly in the bustling metropolitan areas and central business districts (CBD) in Australia.  Surprisingly and despite the costs, these young ones are not deterred by it, especially when they get some sort of assistance from their parents. In Australia,.

Reasons Why Auctions Are Becoming Increasingly Important

The Coronavirus pandemic has dramatically changed the market dynamics and opened both opportunities and challenges for everyone. The real estate industry has not been spared from these changes and there have been tremendous developments that made the industry thrive in the face of the shifting landscape. In major parts of Australia, the auction market did.

Bricks and Mortar: Why Australians Continue To Invest In It

During the last decade, Australia has seen an upsurge in homeownership which has more than doubled compared to the last half-century.  Who would disagree with that? There’s no doubt about it because all you need to do is look around you.  Truth be told, Australians love their property and it seems like it is already.

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