Storm-Proofing Your Investment Property
The warmer months in Australia bring a whole host of benefits – long days by the pool, chilling out with friends and family and enjoying some fine barbecued food.
The warmer months in Australia bring a whole host of benefits – long days by the pool, chilling out with friends and family and enjoying some fine barbecued food.
Millennials are the second-largest generation since the baby boomers. And for real estate agents, that’s great news, as it means a whole host of additional people looking
Real Estate Tips: 5 Things to Consider When Investing in Holiday Homes
It’s an old and ongoing debate – are your investments in stocks and shares, or those in physical property going to be the most profitable in the long term?
As a budding property investor, or an experienced property magnate, you’re likely to have two main focuses when it comes to your investment
Negative gearing might well be in the real estate limelight, but you don’t have to gear your investments negatively in order to benefit.
An Australian non-profit organisation has released a poll displaying the public’s sentiment towards the property climate
“An enhanced experience of the rental market” – that’s what the former CEO of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria has said regarding recent changes made by the Victorian government.
As a property developer, you’re constantly looking for ways to maximise your returns and increase the value of your property
With so many rules and regulations involved in investment property ownership, people often overlook the potential tax claims available.