Thinking about subdividing? Don’t be caught out by the approval process
Subdividing a block of land is a fantastic way of making the most out of what you own.
Subdividing a block of land is a fantastic way of making the most out of what you own.
Investing in a rental property is a pretty big commitment, and one that you need to be ready for.
There are plenty of considerations to take on board before you set a rental amount to charge.
The whole idea of any investment is to make a profitable return. When it comes to property, long-term capital growth is what your criteria should be
Six of our capital cities saw a decent rise in their respective property values over the month of October
Considering the fact that interest rates have never been lower, allowing homeowners to save a pretty penny by making a lender switch
Buying a home – The Great Aussie dream. Most of us want a house to live in, not to manage.
Whether we are an investor or home buyer, we all obviously want our homes to compound wealth for us and significantly increase in value of the long haul.
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! That’s right, this overused, old-fashioned phrase still represents the same mentality today as it did however many years ago.
The odds are that you’ve already considered investing in property, having previously researched other articles related to this.