Why Should You Work with a Property Manager?
A good property manager will demonstrate incredible value to you and your investment, playing a key role in its overall success.
A good property manager will demonstrate incredible value to you and your investment, playing a key role in its overall success.
One of the most painful things for an investor’s cash flow is the loss of tenants without being able to replenish them quickly.
Property investment has become big business over the years, with both newbie landlords and those with an established portfolio snapping up further properties.
The warmer months in Australia bring a whole host of benefits – long days by the pool, chilling out with friends and family and enjoying some fine barbecued food.
As a budding property investor, or an experienced property magnate, you’re likely to have two main focuses when it comes to your investment
“An enhanced experience of the rental market” – that’s what the former CEO of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria has said regarding recent changes made by the Victorian government.
One of the biggest challenges faced by landlords today is one of the most fundamental – locating, on boarding and retaining good tenants.
As a property developer, you’re constantly looking for ways to maximise your returns and increase the value of your property
In addition to aspects such as location and market value, there are other important appearance-related actions you can consider in order to increase your rental returns with justification.
Property managers exist to help you get the most out of your property, in terms of ensuring the least amount of personal involvement is required by you as a landlord.