Category: Marketing Tips

How To Avoid Costly Mistakes When Negotiating For Real Estate Offers

Negotiating an offer to buy or sell real estate property can be very tedious, nerve-wracking, and daunting, especially if you are an eager first-time home buyer or seller without any real estate experience. Realistically, the main reason for this is that real estate property is a high-value asset which is a factor that lets people.

Are You On Track With Your Marketing Drives For Your Business

A business cannot exist without customers. This is a very important reality that every business owner needs to face and most of these customers are found online. Yes, that’s true because according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more than a quarter of the Australian adult population is almost constantly online each and every day..

Three Crucial Factors That Could Affect Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Real estate property investments and ventures must always go together with a solid digital marketing campaign if you want to achieve your investment goals. If there’s one thing to ask financial experts or leaders where you could channel your money for investments, you won’t be surprised to be told that real estate is one of.

Why Influencer Marketing Is Valuable To The Real Estate Market

Research has shown that influencer marketing has grown faster than digital ads and provides industry leaders with an effective tool to foster profitability and growth in the retail business. A major advantage of influencer marketing is that you already have a captured audience and all that’s needed is to partner with an influencer and offer.

This New Marketing Strategy Can Boost Real Estate Brands

There’s a new marketing strategy that can take your real estate business to a whole new level – influencer marketing. There’s no doubt that influencer marketing can help retailers take advantage of the captured audience and market to boost their sales, and profitability, and even reduce costs for advertising and promotions. A major advantage of.

How To Effectively Keep Long-Term Tenants

A satisfied and happy customer will always keep coming back. This concept is not just limited to sales as it similarly and closely applies to the real estate industry. As a property investor, it pays to make your tenants happy and satisfied with their rental experience  – especially trustworthy and reliable tenants – which can.

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