Building - warehouse - Property ID: 1275275
Floor Space: Approx 900m2
Land Area: 2000m2 Allotment
Right in the heart of the industrial area consisting of two titles totaling 2000m2 with a 40 metre frontage, easy parking and access for trucks.
Three sheds in total 2 @ 225m2 with 1 @ 450m2 in total approx 900m2. Two tenants fully occupied with combined income of $46,677 Per Annum with two years remaining on leases.
Fantastic time to invest into Murray Bridge with business like Thomas Foods now starting to employ, Big River Pork & Mushroom Farm. These business's are ever expanding along with the new project finalised being the Monarto Safari Park and Bridgeport Hotel/Motel.
A: 61 Bridge Street, Murray Bridge 5253 SA
P: 08 8532 6666