152 White Road, Woorinen North

Land - Property ID: 1275535

Asking Price $350,000


$350000 – Approx 92 acres in total. - NOW PRICE REDUCED
It has 46 acres of overhead sprinklers.
It has 22 acres of underground pipe irrigation, used for growing vegetables and approximately 24 acres of land currently bare. Gravity run irrigation (good pressure). Fertigation mixing tank. Land is ideal for growing vegies etc. Well fenced and will the highest and best use of this property see it developed as an almond planation or intense vegetable etc. Once buyers recognise the absolute potential of this property, they will then turn their mind to how they would like to maximise it. This farming land represents outstanding value for money.

$600,000 – Approx 95 acres in total. - NOW PRICE REDUCED
Pump Shed, 50hp pump, new Galaxy Filtration system, Fertilizer mixing tank – It has 82 acres of underground pipe irrigation with command tube controlled from Pump Shed and approximately 13 acres of land currently bare. The huge Dam (approx. 20m x 70m) on the property has a holding capacity of approx. 4mgs of water. Property designed basically for permanent vegie plantations however given the soil types it would be easily adaptable to other uses. Buyers not familiar with the area will appreciate the outstanding benefits of water via the Woorinen pipeline being available 12 months of the year.

* Both locations are in the best part of Woorinen North, where there is very minimal traffic in a very quiet area. This property is out of mind and out of sight location

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Related Information
Agent Information
Leanne Salau
Sales Consultant
Agency Information

Noel Watson Pty Ltd

A: 353 Campbell Street, Swan Hill 3585 VIC

P: 03 5032 4800

F: 03 5032 4885

E: recep@noelwatson.com.au

W: noelwatson.com.au

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